Chemical Sensors
Vol. 30, No.3 (2014)





株式会社トクヤマ 執行役員
研究開発センター 所長

山下 博也

私と化学センサとの関わりは、入社して数年経った1986年頃に遡る。当時、担当していた食塩電解用の活性電極触媒の開発が一段落した頃で、当社(当時は、徳山曹達株式会社)がフィガロ技研株式会社と資本提携した直後であった。山口県にある徳山製造所から神奈川県にあった藤沢研究所に赴任して開発チームを立ち上げるとともに、フィガロ技研で研修を受けながら半導体式ガスセンサの製造工程を見学したことを懐かしく思い出す。当時は、酸化物半導体に加えて固体電解質を駆使して種々の化学成分を精度よく検知 できるセンサを実現しようと試みていた。その後、会社の方針によりセンサの仕事から離れることになり、更にその後、研究開発からも離れて製造部にて化学品の製造を担当することになったが、今度はセンサを使用する立場となり、その有難さや重要性を実感する日々であった。縁あってまた研究開発に戻ることになり、改めて化学センサの現状を拝見すると、この四半世紀における発展は素晴らしいものがあると感じている次第である。新しい原理に基づくもののほかに、新材料の出現、既存材料の高度化、成型・加工技術の向上、エレクトロニクス技術の進歩やMEMS技術の適用により、高性能のセンサが生み出されてきている。




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丸尾 容子

NEC グリーンプラットフォーム研究所
〒982-8577 宮城県仙台市太白区八木山香澄町35-1

Development of solid-state colorimetric sensor elements
and a monitoring device using porous glass substrate


Department of Environment and Energy, Faculty of Engineering,
Tohoku Institute of Technology,
35-1 Yagiyama, Kasumi-cho, Taihaku-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 982-8577

We proposed solid-state colorimetric gas sensors using a porous glass with nano-pores as a substrate. There are five main advantages of the proposed colorimetric sensors, and they are as followings. (1) High surface area of nano-porous glass is advantageous to gas detection of ppb-level concentrations. (2)Chemical reaction between gas molecules and pre-dye’s reagents is an advantage for detecting gases with high selectivity. (3) Transparency of the nano-porous glass is advantageous to high accuracy detection because we can measure the sensor’s absorbance in a transparent mode instead of a reflectance mode. (4) We can measure gases using passive mode without a pumping unit, because there are large surface area where reagents directly react with gas molecules. (5) Small size monitoring device can be constructed using LEDs and PDs. Based on the proposed principle, we have developed colorimetric sensors with a ppb-level detection limit of nitrogen dioxide, ozone and formaldehyde. In this paper, our research of formaldehyde sensors and monitoring devices were summarized, and the application of obtained indoor measurement results for consideration of gas properties were also described.

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三林 浩二

東京医科歯科大学 生体材料工学研究所
〒101-0062 東京都千代田区神田駿河台 2-3-10

Novel applications of biosensor techniques
“Gas (smell) camera” and“Artificial pancreas design driven by glucose”


Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering,
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
2-3-10 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062, Japan

Biosensor techniques have been applied not only for chemical sensing in the liquid phase but also for sniffing devices for gas monitoring & visualization and a novel transducer of chemo-mechanical energy conversion as follows. An ultrahigh-sensitive fiber-optic biochemical gas sensor (bio-sniffer) for continuous monitoring of indoor formaldehyde was developed. The bio-sniffer measures gaseous formaldehyde as NADH fluorescence, which is the product of FALDH reaction with an ultraviolet-light emitting diode (UVLED). The calibration range of the bio-sniffer was 2.5 ppb to 10 ppm with highly selectivity due to specific enzyme activity. In addition, a smell gas camera (2D imaging system) for ethanol vapor was fabricated with AOD/HRP-immobilized mesh and the low light CCD. The system was able to visualize the spatiotemporal change of gaseous ethanol. The system was then used for expired gaseous ethanol measurement and for a visualization of ethanol vapor from a wine glass. On the other hand, glucose energetic decompression device which utilizes conversion of chemical energy (glucose) to mechanical energy (actual pressure) has been developed with GOD membrane, and applied for a novel chemical controlled artificial pancreas system. The system showed an autonomous drug release, thus stabilizing lower glucose concentration on feedback effect.

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