Two Dimensional SPR Biosensing in Micro Area by Using Silver Membrane
Toyohiro OHSHIMA, Yasunori IRIBE, Tatsuya TOBITA, Masayasu SUZUKI
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama,
Toyama-shi, Toyama 930-8555, Japan
NTT Advanced Technologies Corporation, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa 243-0124, Japan
We are developing the lymphocyte micro array chip system for
the screening of antigen-specific B lymphocytes, which are necessary for the
development of antibody medicines. We focused on a two-dimensional surface plasmon
resonance imaging sensor (2D-SPR) as a tool for immunochemical monitoring in
the 10μmΦ micro-well. But the SPR sensitivity is decreased in very small area
under 10 μmΦ. Shorter wavelength light source might be suitable for solving
this problem. Silver thin film was used for the SPR sensor chip, because silver
shows good SPR even the wavelength of the light source is shorter than 600nm.
In order to protect silver film from buffered saline, the partially oxidized
aluminum film or SAM layer of PEG6-COOH alkanethiol was prepared on the silver
film. Protein A was immobilized onto the SAM layer as affinity ligand for IgG.
IgG could be detected in 8.5 μmΦ micro wells by using a silver film. By the
use of 505 nm light source, sensitivity decrease in micro area could be further
Real-time Imaging of Mast Cells Stimulated by Antibody
Binding and the Subsequent
Specific Antigen Binding, Using a 2D-SPR System
Masae HORII, Hiroaki SHINOHARA, Yasunori IRIBE, Masayasu SUZUKI
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama,
Toyama-shi, Toyama 930-8555
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor has some advantages
such as label-free, real-time and high-sensitive measurement.
Newly developed
two-dimensional SPR (2D-SPR) system can further obtain 2D image of bio affinity
binding reactions in 10 μm resolution. Therefore it is expected to be available
for individual observation of multi-cell responses.
In this paper, we examined
to observe the response of a mast cell model, rat basophile leukemia cell (RBL-2H3)
upon stimulation with IgE and the subsequent allergen, by using the 2D-SPR imaging
IgE (anti-dinitorophenyl) induced the increment of reflection intensity
of RBL-2H3 cell on the 2D-SPR image at 0.1 μg/mL or more even if in the absence
of antigen.
Furthermore, responses of RBL-2H3 cells, which were pre-sensitized
with 0.1 μg/mL anti-DNP IgE, were observed on the 2D-SPR image at real-time
upon 1〜100 ng/mL DNP-BSA (bovine serum albumin) stimulation.
○K. V. Gobia、松本 清b、都甲 潔c、池崎 秀和d、三浦 則雄a
Highly Sensitive and Stable Self-Assembled Monolayer Based Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Immunosensor for Detection of Benzaldehyde
OK. Vengatajalabathy GOBI,a Kiyoshi
Hidekazu IKEZAKI,d Norio MIURAa
a Art, Science and Technology Center for Cooperative Research (KASTEC),
Kyushu University, Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580
b Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812-8581
c Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering,
Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812-8581
d Intelligent Sensor Technology Incorporation (Insent), Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa
Development of a highly stable and regenerable SPR immunosensor for detection of trace amounts of a small molecular fragrant, benzaldehyde (BZ), has been demonstrated. The sensing surface was fabricated by self-assembling of long-chain polyethyleneglycol (PEG) alkanethiols on the surface of SPR-active Au films, followed by chemical coupling with a BZ analogue. The BZ-capped PEG thin-film is highly resistive to non-specific binding with proteins and shows strong affinity with anti-BZ antibody. An indirect inhibition immunoassay principle has been applied for detection of BZ, and the present immunosensor can measure the BZ concentration as low as 100 ppt (pg/ml). An add-on strategy involving Au nanoparticles encapsulated with secondary antibodies has been used to enhance the sensor signal, with which the low-detection-limit of the immunosensor is improved to 10 ppt with a total response time of ca. 10 min.
九大院総理工a, 九大産学連携センターb, オムロンc, 九大院薬d
○ S. J. Kima, K. V. Gobib, 岩坂博之c, 田中宏幸d, 三浦則雄b
Evaluation of a Portable SPR Immunosensor Equipped with Multichannel Flow-Cell for Detecting 2,4-D
○ Sook Jin KIMa, K. Vengatajalabathy GOBI b, Hiroyuki IWASAKA c, Hiroyuki TANAKAd, Norio MIURAb
aInterdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences,
Kyushu University, Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580
bArt, Science and Technology Center for Cooperative research (KASTEC), Kyushu
University, Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580
cOmron Corp., Kusatsu-shi, Shiga 525-0035
dGraduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University, Higashi-ku,
Fukuoka 812-8582
A newly-developed miniature surface plasmon resonance (SPR) instrument equipped with an 8-channel microfluidic sensor chip has been examined to detect a low-molecular-weight (lmw) analyte, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). As a detection principle for determination of 2,4-D, an indirect competitive immunoassay was applied to the present sensing system, which assures the detection of lmw compounds. The extent of 2,4-D-mAb binding on the sensor surface, that has been functionalized by simple physical adsorption of 2,4-D-BSA, is inhibited by the presence of 2,4-D, and the SPR angle response is inversely correlating to the logarithm of concentration of 2,4-D. With the newly-designed multichannel chip and compact SPR instrument, picomolar (sub ppb) level of 2,4-D in 8 different samples could be determined simultaneously within a response time of only 5 min. The present sensor showed negligible cross-sensitivity against several environmental pollutants structurally resemblant to 2,4-D and no interference for 2,4-D determination in spiked river-water samples.
Stabilization of the Elemental Analyzer Using Plasma in Micro Channel
Isao KUMAGAIa , Tamotsu YAMAMOTO b , Eiichi TAMIYAa and Yuzuru TAKAMURAa,c
a School of Materials Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science
Technology,1-1 Asahidai, Nomi-shi, Ishikawa 923-1292b Micro Emission, Inc.
18-20 Sumiyoshimachi, Nonoichimachi, Ishikawa-gun, Ishikawa
921-8813c Japan
Science and Technology Agency(JST) PRESTOKawaguchi Center Building4-1-8,
Honcho, Kawaguchi-shi, Saitama 332-0012
A handy analyzer for heavy metal detection using plasma in
micro channel is developed.
The micro channel is filled with sample solution,
and a high voltage is applied.
Subsequently, a bubble is generated in the narrow
part of the channel, and plasma emits light in the bubble.
It is important to generate the bubble at a fixed position for quantitative
This research optimized the micro channel shape by numerical simulation of temperature
and nucleation frequency.
In addition, experimental work was also done for observing
the generation the bubble. As a result, this nucleation position is successfully
controlled at the center of the micro channel shape.
A Capillary-Assembled Microchip with an Electrochemical Detection System
Graduate School of Material Science, University of Hyogo,3-2-1 Kouto,
Kamigori, Hyogo 678-1297
A pair of platinum electrodes encapsulated in square capillaries (300 μm × 300
μm) and a glucose oxidase (GOx)- attached square capillary (300 μm × 300 μm)
were embedded on a lattice
microchannel network on a poly (dimetylsoloxane) plate to construct a micro-flow
system for measuring the enzyme substrate, glucose.
The GOx in the enzyme capillary
oxidized glucose to generate hydrogen peroxide, and the concentration of the
hydrogen peroxide was measured amperometrically on the platinum working electrode.
The current response was proportional to the glucose concentration up to 1 mM.
The principle of combining plural square capillaries with individual functions
to construct a capillary-assembled microchip (CAs-CHIP) was thus successfully
applied to the electrochemical determination of the enzyme substate.
Highly Sophisticated Electrochemical Analysis System
with an Integrated Microfluidic
System and Electrochemical Sensors
Wataru SATOH, Hiroomi YOKOMAKU, Yasuaki SAITO, Hiroki HOSONO,
Sanjay UPADHYAY, and Hiroaki SUZUKI
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of
Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-
An integrated device which can conduct timely transport of a sample solution
and analyze its components was constructed.
The transport of solutions was based
on capillary action on hydrophilic glass areas and the control by valves which
operate based on electrowetting.
Electrochemical sensors for glucose, lactate, GOT, GPT, pH, ammonia, urea, and
creatinine were integrated. Sensors for the former four were amperometric whereas
the detection of the latter four was based on potentiometry.
The sensors for
GOT and GPT had a freeze-dried substrate matrix to realize rapid mixing.
ammonia, urea, and creatinine sensors had an air gap structure to realize a
fast response. The sample solution was transported to required sensing sites
at desired times. The integrated sensors showed distinct responses upon the
introduction of a sample solution. Linear relationships were observed between
the output signals and the concentration or the logarithm of the concentration
of the analytes.
Biolithography and Biosensing
Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University,
Aramaki-Aoba, Sendai 980-8579
The interfacing between biomolecules and materials is one of the most important subjects for both in-vitro and in-vivo biomedical devices. We have been studying the potential use of microelectrode techniques as the tool for surface bio-micromachining, and developed original techniques for controlling bionic interfaces. Our patterning technique named "electrochemical bio-lithography" is simple enough to be integrated to the small and closed systems such as microfluidic devices. Furthermore, the technique can be conducted under typical physiological conditions and thus enables the multi-micropatterning with different kinds of cells. The in situ navigation of cellular migration is also possible. In addition to the micropatterning of proteins and cells, a technique for in-situ formation of microcircuit with conducting polymers has been developed as a potential interface to cellular networks.
Screening of Enzyme Inhibitors with Use of an Immobilized
Enzyme as a Recognition
Yasuhiro IIDA, Yukari TAKAHARA, and Ikuo SATOH
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa
of Technology
1030 Shimo-Ogino, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 243-0292, Japan
A novel screening method based on an FIA was developed for tyrosinase inhibitors with use of an immobilized tyrosinase as a recognition element. Tyrosinase is a key enzyme for melanin biosynthesis in pigment cells. Melanin is a dark polymeric pigment which causes skin pigmentation, and therefore, new or more active inhibitors of tyrosinase are required as whitening effectors. In this study, we developed the screening system in combination with the FIA system and the immobilized tyrosinase and applied the system to estimation of inhibition activities of herbal extracts against the tyrosinase column. As a result of the screening, use of the proposed an FIA system demonstrated that 50 % ethanol extracts of 4 among 32 herbal medicines tested showed high inhibitory effect against tyrosinase activity. On the other hand, a kojic acid, known as an inhibitor of tyrosinase, functioned indeed as the inhibitor, however, recovery of tyrosinase activity was revealed. These results indicated that this inhibition effect should be temporary. Thus, we exemplified that this FIA system should be an effective screening system for enzyme inhibitors containing tyrosinase inhibitor.
Fabrication of Plastic Film-Based Enzyme Sensor Aimed at Disposable Use
Kenichi TAKAHASHIa, Ron USAMIa, Seishi KATOb, and Shigeru TOYAMAb
aDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Toyo University, 2100 Nakanodai, Kujirai, Kawagoe-shi, Saitama 350-8585
bResearch Institute, National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities, 4-1 Namiki, Tokorozawa-shi, Saitama 359-8555
An enzyme sensor chip has been developed on a plastic film. The sensor chip has not only the sensor electrode, but counter and reference electrodes. This time, the reference electrode holds internal liquid so that the constant potential is applied on the sensor electrode even if the concentration of Cl- ion in sample solution changes. The sensor exhibited glucose concentration-dependent response, and it was not affected by the Cl- concentration.
〇成松 明哲、関根 真一、吉見 靖男
Glucose Sensor Using Gate Effect of Thin Layer of Covalenly Molecularly Imprinted
Akisato NARIMATSU, Shin-ichi SEKINE, Yasuo YOSHIMI
Department of Applied Chemistry, Shibaura Institute of Technology,
Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-8548
The final purpose of this work is development of an enzyme-free glucose sensor using gate effect of molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP). Gate effect is change in solute diffusive permeability of MIP by specific interaction with its template. Glucose bound covalently with 4-vinylphenyl boronic acid by azeotropic distillation of pyridine. The compound copolymerized with crosslinking monomer N, N' methylene-bis-acrylamide with grafting onto indium-tin oxide (ITO). The faradic current of ferricyanide at the grafted ITO electrode was sensitive to glucose concentration ranging 1-10 mM. The range corresponds to level of healthy blood sugar.
Detection of DNA Mismatch Using Organic Monolayer Modified Field
Effect Transistor
Kentaro IT1O, Mariko MATSUNAGA1, Junji SASANO2 and Tetsuya OSAKA1,2
Department of Materials Science and Technology, Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Waseda University1
shinjuku-ku, Okubo3-4-1, Japan
Consolidated Research Institute for Advanced Science and Medical Care, Waseda University2
Shinjuku-ku,Waseda Ttsurumaki-Cho 513, Japan
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in DNA sequences are reported to influence on personal differences in constitution. Thus, highly sensitive analyzing method for SNPs is considered to be useful for diagnostic test. In this study, we focus on field effect transistor (FET) because of high sensitivity and easiness for integration with other systems. A single strand probe DNA was immobilized on the gate surface using glutaraldehyde as a crosslinker to an organic monolayer of 3-aminopropyltriethoxisilane(APTES) formed on the gate oxide of FET. Then, the gate was immersed in the solutions of various target DNAs such as complementary DNA and one base mismatch DNA. Before and after hybridization, currnt between drain and source of the FET was measured versus gate voltage. As a result, threshold voltages were found to change and the complementary DNA changed it much more than one base mismatch DNA. In addition, we found that threshold voltage changed depending on the position of mismatch.
Japanese Contents
English Contents
中村秀明a,b,○鈴木教太a,小林瞬a,平田雄a,大桃智貴a,茂木陽太郎a,阿部雄太a,奥間政作a,家高光敏a,小泉 留衣a,輕部征夫a,b
An Optical Biochemical Oxygen Demand Determination Method Using DCIP as the Electron Acceptor and Eukaryote Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Hideaki Nakamuraa,b, Kyota Suzukia, Shun
Kobayashia, Yu Hirataa,Tomoki Ohmomoa, Yotaro
Yuta Abea, Seisaku Okumaa,Mitsutoshi Yatakaa,Rui
Koizumia, Isao Karubea,b
aSchool of Bionics, Tokyo University of Technology,1404‐1 Katakura,Hachiouji,Tokyo 192‐0982,Japan
bResearch Center of Advanced Bionics(RCAB), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Sience and Technology (AIST),1404‐1 Katakura,Hachiouji,Tokyo 192‐0982,Japan
An optical biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) determination method
was established with highly sensitivity and reproducibility by employing 2,6‐dichlorophenolindophenol
(DCIP) as a redox color indicator, yeast Saccharomyces erevisiae, and a temperature
controlling system providing a three consecutive stir units. The absorbance
of DCIP decreased due to the metabolism of organic substances in aqueous samples
by S.cerevisiae. First,the measuring conditions were optimized. Under the
optimum conditions, a calibration curve for glucose glutamic acid concentration
was obtained between 1.1 to 22 mg O2 /L (r = 0.988, 6points, n = 3) when using
a 10 min incubation of the reaction mixture at 30℃. The reproducibility of the sensor responses in the calibration curve was 1.77%
(average of relative standard deviations; RSDav). Subsequently, the characterization
of this method was studied and no
influence of the heavy metal ions (1.0 mg/L Fe3+, Cu2+, Mn2+, Cr3+, Zn2+) was
observed and stable responses were obtained for 36 days when the yeast suspension
was stored at 4℃ (response reduction, 89%; RSDav value for nine testing days
at three repetitive measurements, 0.768%). Results on real sample measurements
would present in this conference.
○長谷部 靖, 福沢 みちる, 川窪 君江
Effect of Cationic Organic Dyes on the Preparation of
Highly Sensitive Tyrosinase
Department of Applied Chemistry, Saitama Institute of Technology,
1690 Fusaiji, Fukaya-shi, Saitama 369-0293
Tyrosinase (TYR) and methylene blue (MB) were simultaneously co-adsorbed from a TYR/MB mixed solution onto a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) to fabricate a highly sensitive amperometric biosensor. The cathodic current response to catechol obtained by the TYR and MB-coadsorbed GCE (TYR/MB-GCE) increased with increasing the concentration of MB in the TYR/MB-mixed solution. The CV and impedance measurements revealed that the MB prevents an inactivation of the TYR on the GCE surface. The sensitivity of the TYR/MB-GCE decreased with increasing buffer concentration and ionic strength of the TYR/MB-mixed solution. Other cationic dyes such as acridine orange and meldra's blue showed similar effect. These results suggest that electrostatic interaction between cationic organic dyes and anionic TYR (pI = 4.9) is important to retain the activity of adsorbed-TYR on the GCE surface. The resulting TYR/MB-GCE enabled highly sensitive detection of catechol with a rapid response time (< 5 s) at! 0 V vs. Ag/AgCl. The calibration curve for catechol by the TYR/MB-GCE was linear in the concentration range from 10 nM to 50 μM. The TYR/MB-GCE retained ca.50 % of its original activity after the 5 days storage in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 5.0) at 4℃.
○川口俊一a、D. R. Shankaranaa,b、S. J. Kimc、松本 清d、都甲
Strategy for Ultra-Highly Sensitive TNT Detection Using Nano-Controlled Surface on SPR Sensor
○Toshikazu KAWAGUCHIa, Dhesingh RAVI SHANKARANa,b, Sook-jin
Kiyoshi MATSUMOTOd, Kiyoshi TOKOe, Norio MIURAa
a Art, Science and Technology
Center for Cooperative Research, Kyushu University,
Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580
b Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science, Tokyo 102-8471
c Interdisciplinary Graduate School
of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University,
Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580
d Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyushu
University, Fukuoka-shi 819-0395
e Graduate School of Information Science
and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka-shi 812-8581
We report here the SPR immunosensor for a highly sensitive detection of explosive compounds. The novel immunosurface was prepared by a nano-fabrication technique which utilized self-assembly (SA) of thiolate compound onto Au nanoparticle. It succeeded to control the distribution of Au nanoparticle (10 nm) on the dithiolate modified surface without heterogeneous aggregation. The Au nanoparticles formed grain structure (grain diameter: 40-60 nm) under flow condition. Surface concentration of Au nanoparticle was controllable with a duration time of flow and the solution concentration of Au nanoparticle. TNPh-β-alanine was immobilized on the sensor surface via amine-terminated thiolate on the Au nanoparticles for detection of TNT by indirect competitive inhibition. The obtained immunosurface could be used repeatedly by regenerating active sensor surface using pepsin-HCl solution. The observed resonance-angle shift was up to three times higher than that of our previous report. In addition, the present immunosensor fabricated with Au nanoparticle could measure the tiny amount (in ppt-level) of TNT faster than that without gold nanoparticle.
富山大学 工学部
Sensory Test Using Biomarker for Air Environment
Improvement in Hospital
Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama, 930-8555 Japan
The purpose of this study is to establish an evaluating methodology of discomfort effect of odor by using biochemical marker such as salivary amylase.
The odor evaluating device consists of an odor presentation dome, three sets of metal oxide semiconductor-type gas sensor, a nebulizer, a sofa and a personal computer for data collection.
Five healthy young male adults were used as the subjects.
Ethanol and ammonia were used as olfactory stimuli in order to evaluate the air environment in hospital.
In ethanol, no significant difference in sAMY were observed before, during and after inhalations both 10 and 50 ppm.
In ammonia, a significant difference in sAMY were observed before, during and after inhalations when 5 ppm.
It was considered that the influence of kind and concentration of odor might be quantitatively evaluated using the odor evaluating device.
Development of a Micro Analysis
System for the Determination of Protease Activity
Using a Micro pH-Stat
Katsuya MORIMOTO, Mariko TOYA, Junji FUKUDA, and Hiroaki SUZUKI
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of
Ibaraki 305-8573
A protease assay based on a pH-static titration was realized
using a micro pH-stat.
The operation was based on an irregular use of the three-electrode
system, which caused a negative feedback accompanying a potential shift of the
reference electrode. As a result, the pH of the reaction chamber was maintained
at a constant value.
The charge generated in the titrating process could be related with the amount
of protons produced or consumed.
The device could be used for the determination of protease activity at a low
pH. While the pH-stat was operating,
the produced hydroxide ions originating from the hydrolytic reaction were constantly
titrated resulting in a gradual increase in the generated charge.
A linear relationship
was observed between the initial rate of charge increase and the activity of
阪府大 先端セ
松本 洋昭,○深澤 聡,椎木弘,長岡 勉
Cholesterol-Selective Detection by Using Molecularly Imprinted Self-Assembled
Monolayer Microelectrodee
Hiroaki Matsumoto, Satoshi Fukazawa, Hiroshi Shiigi, Tsutomu Nagaoka
Frontier Science Innovation Center, Osaka Prefecture University,
1-2 Gakuen-cho, nakaku Sakai 599-8570
Control of the total cholesterol level in the body plays an important role for
preventing life-style related diseases.
Now, the measurement of cholesterol
level in the clinical institution is carried out by using absorption photometer
with the enzymatic reaction.
However, the conventional method is troublesome due to the necessities of going
to a hospital for invasive-collecting blood and using the enzyme reaction through
many procedures. On contrary, about 11 % of the body's cholesterol is found
in the skin at the same rate as in blood, according to the United States FDA.
Therefore, we focus on a simple electrochemical detection and non-invasive measurement
of skin cholesterol using the molecularly imprinted self-assembled monolayer
microelectrode (MISAM).
分子認識ポリマーと電気化学測定によるBisphenol A の検出法の検討
○横田 宣之, 横山 紘幸, 渕脇 雄介, 久保 いづみ
Study of the Detection System for the Bisphenol A Based
on Molecularly Imprinted
Polymer and Electrochemical Detection
Nobuyuki YOKOTA, Hiroyuki YOKOYAMA, Yusuke FUCHIWAKI, Izumi KUBO
Faculty of engineering, Soka University
1-236 Tangi-cho , Hachiouji ,Tokyo
A sensing system of bisphenol A (BPA) based on molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) and the electrochemical detection was investigated. MIP for BPA was polymerized thermally from 4-vinylpyridine as a functional monomer and EDMA as a cross-linker and served to prepare a MIP packed column. BPA in an aqueous solution was adsorbed to MIP packed column and eluted by acetonitrile/phosphate buffer (60/40,v/v). From aqueous solution, BPA was adsorbed to the column and eluted completely in the eluent. The eluted BPA was electrochemical detected by cyclic voltammetry. Optimum pH and scan rate were 7.0 and less than 0.1V/s on electrochemical detection of BPA in phosphate buffer. Electrochemical detection of BPA in acetonitrile/phosphate buffer (60/40,v/v) was performed, and linear relation ship between BPA and anodic peak current was observed at the range of 0.01-0.1mM. At last BPA was detected in the sensing system composed of the MIP packed column and electrochemical detection. In the eluent, anodic peak of BPA was observed around 650mV. It was shown that BPA in aqueous solution is able to be detected with the proposed sensing system.
芝浦工大 , 英クランフィールド大
○吉見靖男 , 砂山昌史 , 関根真一 , セルゲイ ピレツキー
Influence of Binding Energy between Template and Functional Monomer
on Gate
Effect of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer
Yasuo YOSHIMI, Masahi SUNAYAMA , Shin-ichi SEKINE, Sergey A. PILETSKY
Department Applied Chemistry, Shibaura Institute of Technology,
Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8548
Institute of BioScience and Technology, Cranfield University, Silsoe,
Bedfordshire, MK45 4DT, UK
The gate effect is change of diffusive solute permeability in molecularly imprinted
polymer (MIP) by specific interaction with its template.
The topic of this paper
is specification of relationship between the gate effect and binding energy
of the template−functional monomer.
The binding energy between the functional
monomer and D-(or L-) phenylalanine anilide (PAA) was calculated by molecular
modeling software.
The degree of gate effect is determined by cyclic voltammetry
of ferrocene at MIP-grafted electrode.
The clear relationship was not observed
between the degree of the gate effect and the calculated binding energy.
Manipulation of Microperticles Using the 3D Microarray Electrode Based
on Positive
Ryota KUNIKATA, Tomoyuki YASUKAWA, Yusuke KITAGAWA, Yasufumi TAKAHASHI, Hitoshi SHIKU, and Tomokazu MATSUE
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University, Sendai
For the manipulation of microparticles, positive dielectrophoresis was ultilized. AC electric fields were applied to selected column and row bands with same amplitude(20 Vp-p) and frequency(90 kHz) in opposite phase. On the other hand, the other bands were connected to ground, The regions with high electric fields were developed at intersections. Under the AC electric field in a lower frequency region(〜100 kHz), the polystyrene microparticles experience repulsive force positive dielectrophoresis and quickly move in the microparticles experience repulsive force positive dielectrophoresis and quickly move in the direction of strong electric fields. When AC electric fields were applied, the particles were moved and trapped at intersection between in selected column and row bands within 5 sec. Selection of bands appoied to AC signal allows to trapping of microparticles at an objective position.
○佐藤航, 細野裕樹, 戸谷真理子, 森本克也, 鈴木博章
Microanalysisy System Based on Electrochemiluminescence with Automatic Mixing and pH-regulation Functions
Wataru SATOH, Hiroki HOSONO, Mariko TOYA, Katsuya MORIMOTO, Hiroaki SUZUKI
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of
Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573
In conducting a bio/chemical analysis on a chip, several different procedures
are usually required. These include the transport of necessary solutions,
timely mixing of necessary solutions, pH-regulation, and detection.
In this study, we demonstrate the possibility to conduct all necessary procedures
on a single chip. Our fabricated device has functions such as (1) automatic
mixing of solutions, (2) pH-regulation, and (3) detection based on electrochemiluminescence
The automatic mixing was achieved by using electrowetting.
A reagent solution containing Ru(bpy)32+ and a sample solution
containing an amino acid were mixed and the pH was adjusted using the above-mentioned
mechanisms. When +1.1 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) was applied
to the electrode, red luminescence was observed.
The ECL intensity increased with the increase in the concentration.
Electrochemical Gas Sensor Using ePTFE Membrane Modified by Ion Implantation
TOIDA**, Yoshiaki SUZUKI**, Katsuo TAKAHASHI**
*Riken Keiki Co., Ltd.
Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 174-8744, Japan
**RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
Electrochemical gas sensors have been widely used for industrial purposes and environmental monitoring. We tried to use ion implantation into expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membranes for the surface modification. These membranes with Au ion-plating were used as the gas permeable electrodes of the electrochemical gas sensors. The sensors showed a good sensitivity and selectivity for H2 detection. Especially the sensors used N+-, N2+-, O+-, and O2+-implanted ePTFE membrane with fluences of above 1 X 1015 ions/cm2 showed significant effect. The sensors used H+-, He+-, Ne+-, and Kr+-implanted were not so effective to the enhancement. Morphology change of ePTFE by ion implantation was examined by SEM and FT-IR-ATR spectroscopy.
Japanese Contents
English Contents
○高瀬聡子、稲垣 徹、清水陽一
Preparation and Ion Sensing Prorepties of Perovskite-Type
Oxide Thick Film by EPD
Satoko TAKASE, Toru INAGAKI and Youichi SHIMIZU
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering,
Kyushu Institute of Technology,
1-1 Sensui-cho, Tobata, City of Kitakyushu 804-8550
A LaCoO3 thick-film could be prepared on the electrode materials
from ethanol-based suspension with acetylacetone or polyvinylalcohol as a stabilizer
by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) process.
Acetylacetone was found be an efficient
stabilizer for LaCoO3 fine powder suspension for EPD. The LaCoO3 fine powder
could be synthesized at 380℃from polymer precursors prepared with ethylenediamine
(EDA) as chelating agent and polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a polymer additive.
The LaCoO3 thick-film devise showed good amperometric responses to HPO42- with high stability and high selectivity.
○長谷川 卓, 齊藤 治之, 駒場 慎一
All-Solid-State Ion-Selective Electrode Based Upon Electroactive Insertion Material
Taku HASEGAWA , Haruyuki SAITOH, and Shinichi KOMABA
Tokyo University of Science
All-solid-state ion-selective electrode was constructed using
insertion materials such as LiFePO4 or Na0.44MnO2 composite covered with a plasticized
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) membrane containing the ionophore.
LiFePO4 and Na0.44MnO2
were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis and solid state reaction, respectively.
The upper PVC layer is formed by casting on the insertion electrode.
The lithium
ion selective electrode exhibited near-Nernstian response to lithium ion in
the concentration range between 6×10-5〜10-1 mol dm-3 and not to other alkaline
metal ions.
Selective coefficient for lithium ion against sodium and potassium
ions was found to be: logKPotLiNa=-4.17 and logKPotLik=-4.16
首都大都市環境a, 神奈川科学技術アカデミーb, 日本学術振興会c
○原田真宏a,c, 西尾和之a,b, 益田秀樹a,b
Fabrication of Flow-Through Type Electrode Using Anodic
Porous Alumina and Its
Application to Microelectrochemical Detection
M. Haradaa,c , K. Nishioa,b , and H. Masudaa,b
a Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University,
1-1 Minamiosawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan
b Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology,
5-4-30, Nishi Hashimoto, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, 229-1131, Japan
cResearch Fellowships of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for
Young Sientists,
8 Ichibanchyou, Chiyoda, Tokyo 102-8472, Japan
Flow-through type Au nanohole array electrodes with a hole period of 500 nm were fabricated using an ideally ordered anodic porous alumina as a template, and were used to the detection of Pb2+ in the solution. The obtained Au hole arrays had geometrical structures identical with those of the starting template. In the measurement of the anodic stripping peak current of Pb2+, the Au nanohole array electrodes showed good linearity in the concentration range from 500 pM to 3 nM. The present technique can be used for various metal ions in environment.
横浜国立大学a 東京大学先端科学技術センターb
○稲葉隆之a 渡辺太一a 松山直人a 伊藤大輔a 横山隆a 岡崎慎司a 中川英元b
Development of a Fiber-Optic Hydrogen Sensor Using Electron Beam Deposition Method
Takayuki INABAa, Taichi WATANABEa, Naoto
MATUYAMAa, Daisuke ITOa Takasi
aYokohama National University,
Kanagawa-ken, Yokohama-shi, Hodogaya-ku ,Tokiwadai79-5
bResearch Center For Advanced Science And Technology, Tokyo University,
Toukyo-to, Meguro-ku, Komaba4-6-1
An optical fiber hydrogen sensor which consists of a Pt/WO3-coated fiber was fabricated by electron beam deposition method. The working mechanism of this sensor is based on the absorption changes of the evanescent waves. In the presence of hydrogen gas, WO3 was reduced to HxWO3. The optical property of the sensing clad was considerably changed by this reaction. When the sensor was exposed to 10vol.%H2/N2, normalized optical power propagating through the optical fiber decreased to 85% within two minutes. The sensor performance depended on the thickness of WO3 and Pt . The sensitivity increased with the increment of WO3 thickness. Furthermore, the deposition rate of WO3 film also influenced the sensing characteristic. The sensor using WO3 film deposited at high speed showed good sensitivity.
○中村 祐樹a、伊藤 大輔a、横山隆a、岡崎 慎司a、中川 英元b、新井 隆c
Development of a Fiber-Optic Oxygen Sensor for Long-Term
Corrosion Monitoring of
Radioactive-Waste Disposal Tanks
Yuki NAKAMURAa, Daisuke ITOa,Takashi YOKOYAMAa, Shinji OKAZAKIa
NAKAGAWAb and Takashi ARAIc
aFaculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University,Tokiwadai
Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan,
bResearch Center for Advanced Science
and Technology, Tokyo University, Komaba 4-6-1, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
cElectric Power Development Co.,Ltd. Ginza 6-15-1, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo 104-8165, Japan
A fiber-optic oxygen sensor for long-term use was developed and its durability was evaluated. The sensing mechanism is based on quenching of luminescence by oxygen. Ruthenium complex whose counter-anion is dodecyl sulfate was utilized as fluorescence dye. This complex was dispersed into silicone rubber. This sensing material was immobilized on quartz substrate by curing at ambient temperature. In order to clarify the long-term stability of the sensor, degradation tests were conducted at different temperature conditions. The complicated degradation behaviors were observed. At the initial stage of the test, the sensitivity rapidly decreased and reached steady state. However, it gradually degraded after the plateau for several days. The half decay period with respect to the sensitivity strongly depended on the test temperature. From the simple life-time estimation, It is clarified that sensing membrane would have good performance and long-term stability in practical environment. Therefore, the sensor would be suitable for long-term corrosion monitoring of radioactive-waste disposal tanks.
○加藤 隆二a,中村 正幸(b),佐々木 八重子b,古部 昭広a,横山 敏郎a,南條 弘a
Development of Oxygen Sensor Based on Fluorescence Color Change
Ryuzi KATOHa, Masayuki NAKAMURAb, Yaeko SASAKIb,
Akihiro FURUBEa,
Toshiro YOKOYAMAa, Hiroshi NANJOa
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),AIST
Tsukuba Central 5, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8565.
bTOADENKA, Co.Ltd, Tamayama, Morioka, Iwate 028-4132
It is known that the fluorescence of organic molecules is efficiently quenched
by oxygen.
Using this photochemical process, several types of oxygen sensors have been
proposed so far. For the many fluorescence oxygen sensors proposed, fluorescence
intensity has to be measured precisely with a photo-detector, such as photomultiplier.
Thus, practical application of such sensors is limited by the photo-detection
We propose here a new type of oxygen sensor based on visual observation of fluorescence
color. In the sensor, no large equipment is needed to detect oxygen, except
for a small LED as an excitation source.
Field Effect GaN Gas Sensors with a Pt Schottky Gate
Tadamune HIGUCHI, Shinji NAKAGOMI, Yoshihiro KOKUBUN
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ishinomaki Senshu University,
Ishinomaki-shi, Miyagi 986-8580, Japan
Gas sensor devices with three terminal planer structure based
on GaN have been fabricated. The device consists of two Ohmic and one Pt Schottky
gate electrode.
The current-voltage characteristics for the source to drain
region were measured in H2 and O2 atmospheres at high
temperatures up to 300℃.
The drain current increased due to the change of atmosphere
from O2 to H2.
The voltage response for a constant current
increased with increasing hydrogen concentration of the atmosphere over a wide
range (3-10000 ppm).
It also increased with increasing gate voltage.
The larger
voltage response was observed as compared with conventional Schottky diode gas
ダイオード型センサの水素検知特性 − Pd電極組成の検討 −
長崎大 1工,2院生産科学
兵頭健生1,坂本恵子2,清水康博1,江頭 誠1
Hydrogen Sensing Properties of Diode-Type Gas Sensors
-Effects of Palladium Electrode Composition-
Takeo HYODO1, Keiko SAKAMOTO2, Yasuhiro SHIMIZU1
and Makoto EGASHIRA1
1Faculty of Engineering, 2Graduate School of Science and
Nagasaki University, 1-14 Bunkyo-machi, Nagasaki 852-8521
Hydrogen sensing properties of diode-type TiO2 sensors
coupled with Pd-nM electrodes (Pd-nM/TiO2, M = Ag or Pt, n: composition
of M in the alloy electrode (0〜100 wt%)) have been investigated under various
conditions. H2 response of Pd/TiO2 sensor was higher than those of
Pt/ TiO2 and Pd-nAg/TiO2 sensors, while Pt/TiO2
showed quite excellent recovery properties among them. The use of Pd-nPt (n
= 64〜72) alloy electrodes was effective for achieving the large H2
response in dry air.
In addition, the recovery speed of Pd-64Pt/TiO2 sensor in dry N2
was largely improved, while the response speed was comparable with that of Pd/TiO2
sensor in dry N2.
〇井上浩文a、湯浅雅賀b、木田徹也b、島ノ江憲剛b、山添 fb
Investigation of Sensing Electrode Materials for FET-type NOx Sensor
Hirofumi INOUEa, Masayoshi YUASAb, Tetsuya KIDAb, Kengo SHIMANOEb, Noboru YAMAZOEb
aInterdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu
bFaculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University,
Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580
New sensing materials were investigated for a FET-type NOx sensor attached with a NaNO2-based auxiliary phase in order to improve the sensitivity and the selectivity of the sensor to NO2. In this study, Ru-loaded WO3 was selected as a sensing material because of its good adsorptive properties for NO2. Ru-loaded WO3 was mixed with NaNO2 and the mixture was attached onto a FET device as the sensing auxiliary phase. The FET-device with Ru/WO3-NaNO2 showed good selectivity toward NO2 and high response- and recovery-speeds in response to NO2 in ppb concentrations at 130 and 170℃.
○前川 亨、皆越知世、中村俊一
Long-Term Stability of the GAS Slectivity in SnO2 Gas Sensor
New Cosmos Electric Co., Ltd.
Sensors with different catalytic layer of SnO2, Ce-SnO2 and
Al-Ce-SnO2 were prepared for the investigating of long-term stability of the
gas selectivity.
The catalyst of Al-Ce-SnO2 was prepared by co-doping Ce and
Al into SnO2.
The dopants Ce and Al were used for suppressing grain growth at
high temperature and making a catalytic layer of high resistance to avoid the
sensitivity of the sensor being affected by changes in resistance of the layer,
The sensors with the catalytic layer of Ce-SnO and Al-Ce-SnO2
performed with good long-term stability of gas selectivity in the experiment.
Japanese Contents
English Contents
○山名 来充恵,松村 明子,冨永 昌人,谷口 功
Study on the Response Mechanism for VOC Sensor Using Interdigitated Microelectrode (IME) Modified with Au Nanoparticles
Kumie Yamana, Akiko Matsumura, Masato Tominaga, Isao Taniguchi
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
Kurokami, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
Gold nanoparticles film can be prepared by crosslinking nanoparticle cores with organic molecules such as bifunctional alkanedithiols. These linker molecules act as insulating barriers between the metal cores, and determine the distances between the metal cores. In this study, we prepared interdigitated microelectrode (IME) covered with Au nanoparticles film by crosslink process using 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) as a linker molecule. Impedance response for Au nanoparticles film modified IME (MUA-Au/IME) was investigated, when MUA-Au/IME was exposed to ethanol, 2-propanol, hexane and toluene vapors. Impedance response strongly depended on volatile organic compounds (VOC), especially hydrophile VOC such as ethanol and 2-propanol. The impedance response mechanism was discussed in this study. High impedance responses for hydrophile VOC depended on hydrogen bond for MUA, which could be understood by equivalent circuit parameters on Cole - Cole plots.
○大谷哲史、玉置 純
Evaluation of Resistances at Grain Boundary and Grain-Electrode
Interface in Tin Oxide
Thin Film Microsensors
Tetsuji Otani, Jun Tamaki
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering,
Ritsumeikan University,
Kusatsu-shi, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
In dilute xylene sensing using SnO2 thin film microsensors, resistances at grain boundary and grain-electrode interface have been individually and directly evaluated by using complex impedance easurements. Micro-gap electrodes with various gap-sizes of 0.12-0.95 μm were fabricated on SiO2 substrate by means of MEMS techniques (photolithography and FIB). Then SnO2 sol was dropped on the micro-gap electrode, dried and calcined at 500℃ for 3 h to be SnO2 thin film microsensor. The complex impedance easurements were carried out in air and 0.01-1 ppm xylene at 450℃. Single semicircle in Nyquist plot was obtained for the SnO2 microsensor with large gap size because of overlapping of contribution of grain boundary and grain-electrode interface. The part at high frequency side was gradually decreased with decreaseing gap size. And the Nyquist plot was divided into two semicircles for the SnO2 microsensor with 0.12 and 0.23 μm gap. From this behavior, it is assumed that semicircle at high frequency side is contributed to grain boundary and that at low frequency side is to grain-electrode interface. The Nyquist plots were fit to equivalent circuit in air and xylene, the resistances at grain boundary and grain-electrode interface were evaluated as a function of xylene concentration. As a result, it was found that sensitivities of grain-electrode interface (Si) were much higher than that of grain boundary (Sgb) in each xylene concentration.
○中田谷昌徳、小西 聡、玉置 純
Effect of Micro-Gap Electrode on Inflammable Gas Sensing
Properties of Tin Oxide Thin
Film Microsensors
Yoshinori Nakataya, Satoshi Konishi*, Jun Tamaki
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering,
Ritsumeikan University,
Kusatsu-shi, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
*Department of Micro System Technology, Faculty of
Science and Engineering,
Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu-shi, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
The effects of microgap size and electrode material have been
investigated on inflammable gas sensing properties (H2S, CO, C3H8) of SnO2 thin
film microsensors equipped with Au or Pt electrode.
The microgap electrode was
fabricated by means of MEMS techniques (photolithography and FIB) and the gap
size was varied in the range of 0.1-1 μm.
The sensor responses (S) to all inflammable
gases were slightly increased with decreasing gap size for SnO2 microsensors
with Au electrode.
However, the microgap effect largely appeared for SnO2 microsensor
with Pt electrode. It is considered that this enhancement of microgap effect
results from the change in interface properties at oxide-electrode interface.
Indeed, the sensor response at interface (Si) was increased in H2S sensing for
SnO2 microsensor with Pt electrode, while the sensor response at grain boundary
(Sgb) almost remained unchanged.
Further, Si for SnO2 microsensor with Pt electrode
was steeply decreased with decreasing H2S concentration.
This reveals the properties
of SnO2-Pt interface.
○鵜野雄大、橋新 剛、ダオ ズンべト、杉山 進、玉置 純
High Sensitivity NO2 Gas Sensor Equipped with Nano Interdigitated Electrode
Yudai Uno, Takeshi Hashishin, Dzung V. Dao*, Susumu Sugiyama*, Jun Tamaki
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering,
Ritsumeikan University,
Kusatsu-shi, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
*Department of Micro System Technology, Faculty of Science and Engineering,
Ritsumeikan University,
Kusatsu-shi, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
The high sensitivity gas sensor to dilute NO2 was attained in WO3 thin film nano sensor equipped with nano interdigitated Au electrode (distance between tooth : 200〜300 nm, number of tooth : 10〜50). The sensitivity to dilute NO2 less than 0.1 ppm was increased with increasing number of tooth in interdigitated electrode. The WO3 nano sensor with interdigitated electrode of 200 nm distance and 50 teeth showed the extremely high sensitivity (Ra/Rg = 28) to 0.01 ppm NO2 at 200 ℃ as well as the excellent response-recovery characteristics. This behavior was interpreted with the length of oxide-electrode interface, i.e., the sensitivity was increased with increasing length of interface, because the sensitivity at interface was higher than that at grain boundary due to the micro-gap effect found in NO2 sensing-WO3 sensor system. It was demonstrated that the nano-design of electrode structure was important for the development of high sensitivity gas sensor.
Influence of Film Thickness on Gas Sensing Properties of Sputtered WO3
Thin Film Gas Sensors
Zhifu LIU, Toshinai YAMAZAKI, Yanbai SHEN, Toshio KIKUTA, Noriyuki NAKATANI
Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama, Toyama 930-8555, Japan
The effects of film thickness on the gas sensing properties of WO3
films have been investigated by measurements of XRD, AFM, and gas sensing to
The porous and dense WO3 films were deposited by
DC reactive sputtering at different discharge pressures.
The films became discontinuous
when the thickness decreased to 15 nm. The gas sensitivity increased with the
reduction of film thickness.
But the sputtered films were hardly sensitive to
NO2 when the film was thinner than 15 nm because of the discontinuity.
The microstructure parameters such as porosity were less important to gas sensing
for the films with a thickness comparable to depletion layer.
超音波噴霧熱分解法による多孔質セラミックス粉末の調製 と半導体ガスセンサへの応用
橋本麻由,兵頭健生,清水康博,江頭 誠
Preparation of Porous Ceramic Powders by Pyrolysis of
Atomized Precursor Solutions
and Their Application to Semiconductor Gas Sensors
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki
1-14 Bunkyo-machi, Nagasaki 852-8521
Porous SnO2 (pr-SnO2) powders were prepared by pyrolysis of atomized SnCl4 aqueous
solutions containing polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microspheres (150 nm in diameter)
as a template.
Spherical macropores reflecting the morphology of PMMA template
(100-150 nm in diameter)
could be formed in the pr-SnO2 powders (0.5-1 μm in diameter).
response of the pr-SnO2 was low, while addition of noble metal (especially,
Pt) was effective for improving the H2 response of the pr-SnO2.
In addition, a pr-SnO2 added with both noble metal and Sb2O5
showed the largest H2 response along with relatively low resistance
in air.
CO Gas Response of Gas Sensor Using Zr-Doped Ceria Thick Film
Noriya IZU, Toshio ITOH, Woosuck SHIN, Ichiro MATSUBARA
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
2266-98 Anagahora, Shimo-Shidami, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 463-8569
We made a new sensor having porous zirconium-doped cerium oxide thick films and a Pt/Al2O3 catalyst layer, and investigate response properties to CO, H2, and O2. The resistance of the films and the output signal of the sensor changes when the atmosphere changes from air to air with 330 ppm CO or more. The 90% response time of thick film without a catalyst layer to CO is determined to be about 10 s. The proposed sensor has a potential to respond very quickly. The sensor shows no response to a change in oxygen concentration.
長崎大 1院生産科学,2工
野中脩平1、兵頭健生2、清水康博2、江頭 誠2
Preparation of Macroporous Semiconductor Gas Sensors
and Their Odour Sensing
Shuhei NONAKA1, Takeo HYODO2, Yasuhiro
1Graduate School of Science and Technology, 2Faculty of
Nagasaki University, 1-14 Bunkyo-machi, Nagasaki 852-8521
Macroporous (mp-) oxide films (SnO2 and WO3) were fabricated
by a modified sol-gel technique employing polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microspheres
as a template. NH3 responses of all the mp-oxide films
prepared were much lower than those of reference (R-) oxide films fabricated
by screen printing of the sol-gel driven powder, probably because of less reactivity
of NH3 originating from their macroporous
structure. On the other hand, their mp-oxide films (especially, mp-SnO2 added
with CuO at 200℃) showed much large H2S response in comparison to those of R-oxide
films. Especially, the addition of CuO was quite
effective for improving the H2S response and the recovery speed of mp- SnO2
山武、eBall Semiconductor inc.
山中一司a,b、中曽教尊c、吹浦 健d、沈東演e
Development of Ball SAW Sensor
Kazushi YAMANAKAa,b, Noritaka NAKASOc, Takeshi FUKIURAd,Dong
Youn SIMe
A thin beam of wave usually diverges due to diffraction, which is a limitation
of any device using such waves. However, a surface acoustic wave (SAW) on a
sphere with an appropriate aperture does not diverge but is collimated, realizing
ultramultiple roundtrips along an equator of the sphere. This effect is caused
by the balance between diffraction and focusing on a spherical surface, and
it enables realization of high-performance ball SAW sensors.
Study on Response Mechanism of Resistive Type Oxygen Sensor and Its Development for Practical Use
Noriya IZU
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 2266-98 Anagahora, Shimo-Shidami, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 463-8569
Recently resistive oxygen sensors have again become the focus of much attention because they have simpler structure and it is easy to downsize them. Here I report the trend of research and development of the resistive oxygen sensors using cerium oxide (ceria), which have a good corrosion resistance to corrosive gases. First, I describe the study on response mechanism of resistive type oxygen sensor. Second, I describe the study on the improvement of response speed of the sensor. Third, I describe the study on the improvement of other sensing properties such as decrease of temperature dependence of output of the sensor.
○南 卓也・湯浅雅賀・木田徹也・島ノ江憲剛・山添 f
VOCs Gas Sensor Using BiCuVOx Solid Electrolyte
Takuya MINAMI, Masayoshi YUASA, Tetsuya KIDA, Kengo SHIMANOE,Noboru YAMAZOE
Department of Molecular and Material Sciences,Interdisciplinary
Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University,
Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580
A new-type VOCs sensor using BiCuVOx (Bi2Cu0.1V0.9O5.35) and a La-Co based perovskite-type oxide as a solid electrolyte and an
electrode, respectively, has been developed. Electromotive force (EMF) of the
sensor attached with the BiCuVOx-La0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3
composite electrode was measured in various VOCs gases (propane, toluene, formaldehyde)
at various temperatures between 350 and 500℃.
The sensor responded to 10 ppm formaldehyde and toluene, but showed negligible
sensitivity to propane, and the EMF of the sensor was linear to the logarithm
of the formaldehyde and toluene concentrations at 350℃ and 400℃.
The high sensitivity of the sensor observed at low temperatures is probably
owing to the good oxide-ionic conductivity of BiCuVOx and high oxidative activity
of the perovskite-type oxide at low temperatures.
Potentiometrical Detection of VOCs with M(I)/8YSZ/M(II) Device
Masami MORI, Hidenori YAHIRO and Yoshihiko SADAOKA,
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University,
3 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama 790-8577
A galvanic cell with P"(O2), M(anode)/8YSZ/M(cathode), P'(O2) structure is useful to detect O2 concentration in ambient.
We investigated the interface between the electrodes and the 8YSZ sheet for this potentiometric device.
The sensing behaviour was influenced by the surface of the YSZ sheet and the used electrode materials at lower temperatures, 350-450℃.
In the separate type device, the use of the Au electrode instead of Pt electrode resulted a higher output potential.
The device with Pt/YSZ/Au structure where the both electrodes were in the same ambient gava a high sensitivity to oxygen and acetic acid.
Interfacial Structure between
Solid Reference Electrode and NASICON before and after
Heat Cycle Test in a Saturated Humidity for a NASICON-Based CO2 Gs
Shotaro KISHIa, Masayoshi YUASAb, Tetsuya KIDA, Kengo SHIMANOEb, Noboru YAMAZOEb
aInterdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University,
bFaculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University,
Kasuga-shi,Fukuoka 816-8580
A composite of a perovskite type oxide (La0.6Sr0.4Co0.78Ni0.02Fe0.2O3) and BiCuVOx(Bi2Cu0.1V0.9O5.35) was investigated as a reference electrode for a potentiometric CO2 sensor using NASICON (Na+ conductor, Na3Zr2Si2PO12). It was found that the potentioal of the composite electrode was very stable to exposure of CO2 gas at 400℃ under humid conditions. In order to examine the start-up characteristics of the CO2 sensor, the sensor was exposed to high humid conditions(100%RH) saturated at 38℃ for 1-2 days and then re-heated at the operating temperature of 100℃(heat-cycle test). The sensor showed good CO2 sensing properties and the potential of the composite electrode was stable even after the heat-cycle test. SEM-EDX measurements revealed that a reaction layer was formed at the interface between NASICON and the conposite electrode, and that the thickness of the reaction layer slightly increased after the heat-cycle test.
○青野 宏通、板垣 吉晃、定岡 芳彦
Characterization of Heated Mixture of Li2CO3-Nd2O3System
for Application of Auxiliary
Phase on CO2 Gas Sensor
Hiromichi AONO, Yoshiteru ITAGAKI, and Yoshihiko SADAOKA
Department of Materials Science and Biotechnology, Graduate
School of
Science and Engineering, Ehime University, Bunkyo-cho 3, Matsuyama,
Ehime 790-8577
Gradual changes (drift) in the EMF level with time were observed for the CO2 gas sensor using NASICON solid electrolyte and only Li2CO3 as the auxiliary electrode. A new auxiliary electrode material of Li2CO3 and Nd2O2+2x(CO3)1-xLi2x mixed phase was obtained by the heating in CO2 gas atmosphere. The EMF value was stabilized by the utilization of this auxiliary material. For the mixture of Na2CO3 and Nd2O3, the heat treatment in CO2 gas induced the formation of only Nd2O2CO3. A higher reactivity of the Li-ion with Nd2O2CO3 and a lower reactivity of the Na-ion effectively stabilized the diffusion boundary layer.
選択的NO2 検知が可能なAu薄膜検知極を用いたプレナー型ジルコニアセンサ
九大産学連携センターa, 九大院総理工b
○ V. V. Plashnitsaa, 上田 太郎b, P. Elumalaia, 三浦 則雄a
Selective YSZ-Based Planar NO2 Sensor Using Nano-gold Sensing Electrode
○ Vladimir V. PLASHNITSAa, Taro UEDAb, Perumal ELUMALAIa, Norio
a Art, Science and Technology Center for Cooperative Research, Kyushu University,
Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580
b Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University,
Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580
The sensing performances of planar yttria-stabilized zirconia
(YSZ)-based NOx sensor using the nanostructured Au thin-films having the thicknesses
of 60 nm-1.2 μm as a sensing electrode (SE) were
evaluated at 600℃ under dry and wet (5 vol.% H2O) conditions when the sensor
was exposed to the sample gas containing each of CO, CH4, C3H8, NO (400 ppm
each) and NO2 (50-400 ppm). As a result, the sensor using the 350 nm-thick Au-SE
was found to give the highest NO2 sensitivity which seemed to be attributed
to the higher catalytic activity for the cathodic reaction of NO2 as well as
the lower catalytic activity to anodic reaction of oxygen at the interface of
In addition, this sensor was found to give an excellent selectivity
to NO2.
Japanese Contents
English Contents
○和間 良太郎a、中久保 昌平a、三浦 則雄b
Compact Planar-Type Oxygen Sensor Using YSZ-Rod and
New Mn-Based Solid
○Ryotaro WAMAa , Shohei NAKAKUBOa, Norio MIURAb
a Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences,
Kyushu University, Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580
b Art, Science and Technology Center for Cooperative Research, Kyushu University,
Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580
The compact planar-type oxygen sensor was fabricated by using a YSZ-rod (length: 10 mm, diameter: 3 mm) as a main construction material, Mn2O3 as a reference-electrode material and Pt as a sensing-electrode material, and its sensing characteristics were evaluated. As a result, it was confirmed that the present sensor could be used for the oxygen deficiency detection at 600℃ in the presence of 400 ppm CO2 and 1 vol.% H2O. This sensor was hardly affected by the presence of other gases such as CO, CH4, C3H8, H2, NO and NO2. In addition, the drift of the emf value of the sensor in air was found to be less than ± 0.5 mV after keeping it in an atmospheric air at 600℃ for about 6 months, indicating a good long-term stability of the sensor. Furthermore, the compact sensor could also operate well as a lambda sensor for combustion of propane.
○行方 陽介a、長尾 征洋a、冨田 衷子b、日比野 高士a
Room-Temperature Hydrogen Sensors Based on an In3+-doped SnP2O7 Proton Conductor
Yosuke NAMEKATAa, Masahiro NAGAOa, Atsuko TOMITAb, Takashi HIBINOa
a Department of Environmental Engineering and Architecture,
Graduate School of Environmental Studies,
Nagoya University,Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601
b National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
(AIST),Moriyama-ku, Nagoya 463-8560
A potentiometric solid-state gas sensor was fabricated using a proton-conducting Sn0.9In0.1P2O7 electrolyte with an active Pt/C working electrode in order to study its sensing properties for small quantities (100 ppm-3%) of H2 in air at room temperature. The sensor showed electromotive force (EMF) response in the negative direction to changes in the H2 concentration. Furthermore, the EMF value varied linearly with the logarithm of the H2 concentration, while it was minimally affected by the water-vapor concentration. The sensing mechanism was shown to be based on the mixed potential at the working electrode through measurements of the polarization curves of H2 and air. The Sn0.9In0.1P2O7 electrolyte was also applied in two single-chamber H2 sensors, wherein Pt/C and carbon were used as active and inactive electrodes, respectively; these electrodes were attached on the opposite surfaces or on the same surface of the electrolyte. Both single-chamber sensors could exhibit comparable H2 sensitivities, compared to the dual-chamber sensor.
Development of the Hydrogen Gas Sensor Using a Proton Conductor
Chise MINAGOSHI,a Hidakazu
Toru MAEKAWA,a Kengo SUZUKI,a Katsuhiro NOMURA,b
Hiroyuki KAGEYAMAb
a New Cosmos Electric Co., Ltd.
2-5-4 Mitsuya-naka, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-0036
b National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST)
1-8-31 Midorigaoka, Ikeda, Osaka 563-8577
A solid electrolyte type hydrogen gas
sensor has been developed using Sr-doped LaScO3 (La0.9Sr0.1ScO2.95).
The La0.9Sr0.1ScO2.95 sensing element was fabricated
on an alumina substrate with a Pt thin film heater on the back side, where a
pair of Pt electrodes was fixed to the sensing element and one of the electrodes
was enclosed with glass to prevent reaction of H2 at the electrode.
The sensor showed high sensitivity and selectivity to H2 in a concentration
range of 100 to 50000ppm at 500℃, with fast response and good long-term stability.
○中里嘉浩a、嶋嵜僚太郎a、伊藤達也a、鈴木健吾a、坂本宗明b、水畑 穣b、出来成人b
A Solid Electrolyte Type Hydrogen Gas Sensor Using
Yttria Stabilized Zirconia by the
Liquid Phase Deposition Method
Yoshihiro NAKAZATOa, Ryotaro SHIMAZAKia,
Tatsuya ITO, Kengo SUZUKIa,
Muneaki SAKAMOTOb, Minoru MIZUHATAa, and Shigehito DEKIb
aNew Cosmos Electric Co., Ltd.
2-5-4 Mituya-naka, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-0036, Japan
bDepartment of chemical Science and Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, Kobe University.
1-1 Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
A solid electrolyte type hydrogen (H2) gas sensor has been developed using yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) sensing film. The YSZ sensing film was deposited on an alumina substrate with a Pt thin film heater on the other side by the liquid phase deposition (LPD) method. The sensing characteristic of the sensor was investigated by measuring H2 and some of interference gases in a concentration range of 100-10000ppm. The sensor showed high sensitivity to H2 and very low sensitivity to the interference gases with fast response.
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