Chemical Sensors

Vol. 22, No. 1 (2006)



永井 清治

矢崎計器梶@ガス機器開発センター 常務取締役 開発センター長(化学センサ研究会 副会長)

The Last Two Decades

Kiyoji NAGAI

特に、駅前にある音楽をテーマとした大きなホテルは、空中から見るとグランドピアノの形で、45階に通じるエレベーターの壁は全面ショパンのノクターンの楽譜で埋め尽くされています。   私はいつもこのエレベーターの楽譜を目にする度に、何故かこの楽譜が化学反応の模式として思い浮かばれてなりません。それぞれの楽譜がそれぞれの音階上で結びつき連をなすことで、ひとつの単純な音を名曲へといざなう楽譜はまさに原子や分子が結び付き新しい物質へと変化していく様であり、化学反応は楽譜なのかも知れないと……。そして、この楽譜を新しく生み出すために、多くの科学者や作曲家が進化と深化を追い求めて、研究開発や技術の研鑽に没頭しているのではと思います。



〒920-8620 石川県金沢市御所町丑 10番地

Evaluation of Purification Capability of Plants
for Indoor Air-Pollutans Using a Tin Oxide Gas Sensor

Ayako SAWADA, Takashi OYABU

Graduate School of Regional Economic Systems Kanazawa Seiryo University

Ushi 10, Gosho-machi, Kanazawa 920-8620, Japan

 Plants have capability to remediate air environment. Some studies have been reported that plants have higher capability to absorb and decompose indoor air-pollutants.
In the previous studies, experiments for the purification effect were carried out using gas chromatography and detecting tube. These devices could not measure continuously the concentration of air-pollutants. In this study, a system feasible for continuous measurement to the plant purification capability was constructed using a tin oxide gas sensor in order to comprehend the purification process in an experimental chamber. The purification capability (Pa) was introduced using gas sensor-output characteristic. The capability of photos plant for the typical chemical substances, which cause a sick-building syndrome was investigated. Moreover, effects of room temperature and light intensity on the purification capability were examined. Plants were also set in a real indoor environment. Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) and odors were measured using a commercial TVOC sensor and the odor sensor. Removal rate for TVOC was 74% and the one for odor was 68%. Plants are effective to room temperature and light intensity on the purification capability were examined. Plants were also set in a real indoor environment. Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) and odors were measured using a commercial TVOC sensor and the odor sensor. Removal rate for TVOC was 74% and the one for odor was 68%. Plants are effective to remove various kinds of air pollutants and humans have been blessed greatly with the plants.

μTAS(Micro Total Analysis Systems)


株式会社島津製作所 基盤技術研究所・主任研究員

〒619-0237 京都府相楽郡清華町光台3丁目9

Application of Micro Ttal Analysis Systems Technology
for Analytical and Measureing Instruments


R&D Manager
Technology Research Laboratory, Shimazu Corporation

3-9-4, HIkaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0237, JAPAN

 Rapid progress in micro-and nano-technology has made a great contribution to develop μTAS (Micro-Total-Analysis-Systems) devices for DNA analysis, protein analysis and cell analysis. For these applications, μTAS devices are helpful due to its small volume, high-speed and so on. In this paper, a micro-reactor for sample preparation reaction, a microchip electrophoresis system for fragment analysis of DNA/protein and a micro chamber for cell analysis integrated with negligible dead volume sample injector are described.

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