Chemical Sensors
Vol. 33, No.2 (2017)





エフアイエス株式会社 取締役
日本写真印刷株式会社 上席執行役員
ディバイス副事業部長 兼 新製品開発副室長

面 了明

 ご縁があり現在ファインテック ジャパンのアドバイザリーも務めていますが、ディスプレイ中心のセミナーにもかかわらず今年初めて取り扱う主テーマにセンサーが加わりました。まさにその必要性が高まっています。
 センサーは日常生活の中で様々な分野でその需要が期待されています。安心・安全を提供する分野、高齢化社会を目前に顕在化する介護分野、快適な生活を支援するヘルスケア分野、快適空間を創造するため住設分野、また工場設備のモニタリングなどの要求にこたえるインフラやメンテナンス分野と、センサーが必要とされる市場はさらに拡大すると考えます。  近年IoTに代表される情報化社会の中で、無線ネットワークと組み合わせることでセンサーはさらに必要不可欠な存在になっています。この分野ではエナジーハーベストの技術をインテグレートすることによりその応用分野はさらに広がると確信しています。

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加藤 大

〒305-8566 茨城県つくば市東1-1-1

Development of Nanocarbon Film Electrodes for Detecting Trace Amounts of (Bio)molecules


National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 305-8566

This article reviews our recent developed nanocarbon film electrodes for detecting trace amounts of various (bio)molecules. We have been studying nanocarbon film electrodes formed by an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) sputtering or an unbalanced magnetron (UBM) sputtering method. The film provides a nanocrystalline sp2 and sp3 mixed bond structure with an atomically flat surface (surface roughness of 0.05 – 0.1 nm) and high conductivity without doping. The film electrode has excellent properties including a low background current, a wide electrochemical potential window, and little surface fouling, while maintaining relatively high electrode activity for various (bio)molecules. These characteristics allow the detection of (bio)molecules, especially ultratrace amount of biomolecules, which are difficult to measure at conventional carbon electrodes. For example, this film electrode can measure all DNA bases (including DNA base derivatives e.g., 5’-methylcytosine and 8’-hydroxy 2’-deoxyguanosine) more quantitatively than conventional carbon-based electrodes. Moreover, due to their good electrochemical stability and low background current, the nanocarbon film electrode is suitable for long-term analysis including as the electrode of an HPLC detector for detecting cerebral gliotransmitter (kynurenic acid) from glial cells. Our electrode enabled to quantitatively determine cerebral kynurenic acid by direct oxidation (LOD = 20 pM). Our film electrodes therefore contribute for pharmacological evaluation of new candidate drug for antiepilepsy.
The nanocarbon film surface can be also easily modified with other atoms/nanoparticle without losing its ultraflatness. For example, we developed electrochemically stable fluorinated nanocarbon (F-nanocarbon) film by CF4 plasma treatment. We successfully used F-nanocarbon film electrode for selective detection of hydrophobic antioxidants (vitamin E) and highly-sensitive detection of LPS. Our developed nanocarbon film-based electrodes can extend ability to detect analytes, which are difficult to detect at conventional carbon electrodes.

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田村 真治

〒565-0871 大阪府吹田市山田丘2-1

Development of Gas Sensors with Rare Earth Containing Materials as the Key Component

Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan

Various kinds of gas sensors were developed by strategically selected the rare earth containing materials as the key component for realizing the superior sensing performances such as high selectivity, high durability, and/or low temperature operation. Here, I introduce the brief results for the solid electrolyte-type NH3 gas sensor with high durability and the catalytic combustion-type CO gas sensor with extraordinary low temperature operation.

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